Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tanzania, here I come!!

I'm finally completely packed for Tanzania and I'm knackered already!- I haven't even made it to the Orphanage yet and I feel as though I could sleep for 1000 years. However, there will be no sleeping for me over the next few weeks, and I couldn't care less, if it means I get to celebrate Christmas and New Year with our beautiful babies.

I don't think it could be possible for my bag to be any more jam packed- the majority of my stuff is presents for the kids, as well as university work...I'm taking almost no clothes. Most of the clothes I am taking are going in my carry on bag. Wrestling my way through the London tube system on CHRISTMAS EVE with two extremely heavy bags is going to be very fun- I cannot wait!

I just wanted to say 'kwa heri!' (goodbye) and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I hope that 2012 is the best you've all had yet. Thank you so much for all of the love and support you have given us in setting up The Small Things; you are truly amazing.

The skydive was genuinely one of the scariest experiences of my life, and I would do it again and again, if it meant we were going to be raising money for our incredible kids. Thank you so much for anyone who sponsored us, you are the reason our children are safe and happy.

And finally, to my family and friends:

You are the most incredible, loving and wonderful people I have ever met and I count myself as the luckiest person alive to be able to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me and for supporting me. Thank you for understanding why I'm spending Christmas with the children and for helping me to get there. It is something that is really important to me and you have done nothing but encourage and support me 100% of the way, so thank you. Thank you for being such beautiful, caring people. Thank you for being you.

I love you. I always will.

So, this is me, saying, 'see you all in 2012'. Have a fabulous Christmas- I hope you all get what you want this holiday. Make sure you eat lots of food, play lots of games and get nice and 'merry'. I will give all of the children a massive hug from all of you beautiful people.


Tutuonana badaaye (see you later!).

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