I feel like history is repeating itself... our beautiful boy Ebenezer, who is just four months old, has been hospitalized for the last several days with bad bronchiolitis and/or pneumonia.
Big Ebenezer was also hospitalized around the same age with malaria, pneumonia and meningitis! They were originally hoping our lwould be out of the hospital today, but it looks like that is not going to happen - he's just not well enough yet. We're keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow, though! He is actually at an expensive referral hospital in Arusha, rather than the local Nkoaranga hospital - they lacked the equipment to treat him and were simply out of ideas. The doctors are fantastic there, but it costs quite a lot - we would be eternally grateful for any donations towards his care. Thank you to Emelie for starting off the first donation!
Ebenezer just a few days old |
Big strong boy last week |

The other kids are doing well, although there's a nasty bug going around that has us all (myself included) coughing constantly, with a sore throat and various flu symptoms - but at least it's not malaria! We're also mourning our imminent loss of Adam, who has quickly made himself indispensable with the kids. They are going to be so sad to see him go back to the US tomorrow! He's gotten especially close with Simoni, Maureen and Vicky. We will all miss him!
More coming soon, including tons of pictures - but I have to get back to our last micro-grants class! If you'd like to contribute to Ebeni's care, please click "Donate" in the sidebar, and write a note on the next page stating that you'd like it to go towards his care. Thanks so much!
UPDATE: Our strong boy is getting out of the hospital today (Tuesday)! His lungs are clear for now, but he's going to have another checkup on Friday to make sure everything is gone. Huge thank you to Martina and Lorenzo at Speranza Tanzania for their help getting him safely home, as well as to Patty and Emelie for their donations! We're still not sure what the final cost will be including his check ups and medicines, so donations are still greatly appreciated.
Ebenezer and Mama Pendo sunbathing in the hospital courtyard |
Adam and Ebeni in his hospital room yesterday |
pole sana ebeni i always pray for you.