Friday, September 5, 2014

A Successful Summer for TST!

The #SmallThingsSummer campaign has now officially come to an end, raising a mighty $23, 260 USD (£14,150)! That's $3000 USD or £1800 OVER our original goal of $20,000 USD (~£12000). It has been a fantastic and successful fundraiser which has shown how small and simple acts can collectively create huge impact. 

All the money raised will be funding the Orphanage Reform Project, to make the existing orphanage a safer, cleaner, and more structured environment to foster optimal growth and development for our kids.

Our board member Marie has been in Tanzania with her family and our team this summer helping to get things started. One of the biggest developments has been creating the separate baby room for babies under 1 years old, producing a safe space for newborns to play where they aren't bothered by the boisterous fun of the older kids.

A great addition are the soft foam mats in the baby room, allowing the babies to move and play around freely, without being concerned with the previous hardwood flooring of the previous play area.

The clothes room is now split so that half of it is just for the babies to play - clearer pictures soon!

We also have new toy storage areas, hugely improved storage for the children's clothes, some more comfortable places to sit, and are moving forward with colour-coordinated uniforms for the orphanage mamas, which the mamas are absolutely thrilled about. The plumbing and lighting have been improved and some of the rooms reshuffled to improve the use of space. The baby room is looking particularly splendid, all ready to be messed up by happy kids.

Baby beds all in a row.

The cots with their lovely animal mobiles hanging above, with those clothes hanging up neatly in the background.

None of this would have been possible without #SmallThingsSummer and the generosity of our supporters. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took part, whether it was through running a fundraiser or making a donation. You have helped to prove that small actions can make big changes for people who need them.

Thank you!

- The Small Things Team

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