Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cohesive narrative is overrated. Also, I went to art school.

GOOD NEWS: The cannula of death has been removed for the last time, leaving both hands comprehensively and quite colorfully bruised but otherwise unharmed.

BAD NEWS: That's because after five days of twice daily injections, it doesn't actually appear to be WORKING, so I have some form of mysterious African fever virus rather than mysterious African fever bacteria. Which is nice to know but, really, I would just like it gone and that doesn't appear to currently be an option.

GOOD NEWS: The pump arrived from Dar es Salaam and is being installed, the pipes are in, and so it's just a matter of running out electricity until we have sweet, sweet water available all the time.

BAD NEWS:The cannula in my hand has prevented me from really teaching jewelry this week, so my students might not actually remember what I look like (hint: I'm the pale one).

GOOD NEWS: The old students and about seven new students are doing really well and producing a LOT of work, I just need to find some way to sell it without further overcommitting myself. So maybe that's bad news. Eh, whatever.

Sometimes I take pictures in black and white. That totally justifies thousands of dollars on art school.

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