Sunday, September 23, 2012

Worth a Thousand Words

Adam and Zawadi


Patty and Zawadi

Big Ebenezer

Big Ebenezer





Adam and Simoni




Claire and Neema

(Some of the best photos of our kids from this summer, huge thanks to Claire Wyatt for her talent!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Frankie, Maureen, and Gracie!

Three fantastic kids have turned two recently, with three more to go in the next few months - brings back memories of the crazy time when we had seven kids under six months at once, NOT something I'm hoping to repeat any time soon! Gracie turned two June 21st, shortly after I got here, Frankie turned two on Friday and Maureen a week before him. These three actually arrived on the same day, on one of my very first days at the orphanage.  They've changed a lot since then! 

Gorgeous Gracie
Gracie day one

And big girl Gracie today!

Brilliant Maureen

And our big girl Maureen (who can
count to ten in Swahili and English) today!

Sweet Frankie
Frankie day one

And reluctantly walking Frankie today!
We are so proud of them and can't wait to see what comes next! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Consider the Night Lit!

Consider the night officially lit!

We are thrilled to announce that all the solar lighting is fully installed in the orphanage and maternity ward. There's not a lot to show in pictures, since the panels are on the roof and the wiring is in the walls, but the solar lighting has already been used for several deliveries and been extremely helpful with our newest tiny guy, who eats every hour.

Speaking of which... welcome to our gorgeous new little man, Isaac. He's just two weeks old but doing beautifully – healthy at 3 kilos and with a gorgeous head of hair. He loves to be held and is currently eating once an hour, which is great for him if slightly less fun for the mamas!
Do I HAVE TO walk? 
Litte Ebenezer and little Neema are doing great, both healthy and happy – Neema in particular has developed a belly that would make Buddha jealous. Big Ebenezer is much improved after the attempt at flying that knocked out his front teeth – he's fully healed and extremely smiley again. In fact, that whole age group is doing great. Frankie is finally WALKING, after taking a million years to decide it was worth the effort. Maureen just turned two, and is talking in full sentences and can count to ten in Swahili and English (CRAZY). Filipo has been going through a major developmental growth spurt, and is now talking his little head off and has gotten infinitely more cheerful and interactive.

Vicky's serious face
Grace is moving up to the big kids' room to make room for Shujaa to move into the toddler room – he has started standing up in his crib, so it's time for something with higher walls! Peace said his first word yesterday – “Acha,” or “Stop it,” quite common choice for the orphanage kids (if you had 23 brothers and sisters it would be your first word too)! Vicky continues to be gorgeous and sweet and make hysterical faces.

Big Maureen kissing her BFF, Miriam
Moving on up... Ester continues to test everyone's patience by refusing to use the potty and using her pants instead, but she's so cute it's difficult to stay annoyed for long. Neema, big Maureen, Baracka, and Miriam are all healthy, happy, and enjoying school.

Simoni with his great grandparents
This week Mama Pendo and I took two trips to visit Zawadi and Simoni's families... and after great visits, they have agreed to let me move forward with their adoptions! I could not be more thrilled or honored.

Loveness and Pray are happy and healthy, no significant news about either of them. Andrea, David, and Pendo have all learned to write their names and are practicing that new school on every surface! They are ready to start school in January and are absolutely raring to go. Abdulli has been trying very hard but still isn't quite there – we're still trying to find a specialist to come out and test him so we can make concrete school plans, at which point we will need to find him a sponsor! The big kids are now back at school, although we had a fantastic day painting with them (along with volunteers from Speranza Tanzania, check out more pictures on their post, although Google Translate will be your friend!).
Painting with the school kids

We also have a bunch of great new volunteers, welcome to Emma, Tess, Christina, Sophie, and Ashlee. The kids are really benefiting from all the extra attention. Even the chickens are thriving – we have eight new chicks and more hatching every day.

Basically, life at Nkoaranaga is hectic but wonderful, as usual, and I am loving it, and dreading having to leave in a few weeks! In the meantime, I'm going to get back there and hug some babies. Thank you again to everyone who donated to Light Up the Night, including everyone who participated in Kristina's event and the MPA's fundraising – we couldn't be happier!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Batman and Robin

Happy Peace
Peace (11 months) and Shujah (13 months) are two little guys who have only been with us for a short time, but have made a big impression on everyone they've met. Shujah literally means “hero” in Swahili, and these two are definitely a double act, so I've started referring to them as Batman and Robin. They are just two months apart and completely inseparable – not to mention painfully cute! 

Sweet Shujah
They had very different starts in life – Shujah was born full term and healthy, while Peace was very premature and had us all worried for a long time. Shujah has been incredibly sweet and smiley since day one – when I was here in December he would sit in his baby chair and flirt with everyone who walked by. Peace has taken a little longer to get there, although he has always been an extremely laid back baby. In fact, his original name was Daoudi (as you might remember), but the mamas renamed him Peace because it fit his temperament so well. It was several weeks before I even heard him cry!

The boys in December
Since then both have gained weight at an astonishing rate – they are just the cutest little butterballs that you can imagine. They're both also supremely cheerful kids nowadays, impossible to ruffle, thrilled to play with anyone who will come hang out with them. Shujah is now crawling, although only if baited with an appropriately exciting toy, generally someone's cell phone. Peace is up on his hands and knees and rocking, but doesn't seem to care if he ever moves beyond that. I think it's part of his laid back style – he's generally pretty happy wherever he is, so why go to so much effort to move? Both are babbling, although without recognizable words – we frequently come into their room to find them talking to each other through their crib bars, so they seem to have an understanding!

Big fat Peace today
I wanted to write about these two today for a few reasons. First, of course, they're beautiful and a joy to be with, photograph, video, or write about. More importantly, though, Peace was the very first baby we implemented our one-to-one protocol with, where we pay for an additional mama to be one-on-one with premature babies until they have reached a healthy weight and size. Peace didn't gain an ounce his first month before this was implemented – he doubled in weight his second month and has been growing almost as fast ever since. I wanted to show what a difference that policy has made, and how incredibly lucky we are to have this gorgeous boy with us. It's also a bit of a bittersweet moment, as we look back at Reziki and Rehema and other children that we've lost along the way, and think of how big and beautiful they might have been. However, I'm confident that we're doing the right thing with this program, and that we are doing everything we can to give these kids the start in life they deserve. Employing a mama full time for one-to-one care costs just a few hundred dollars, and it gave us this incredible kid. Thank you to all of you for being part of that.

Now on to the fun stuff: 

Peace blowing kisses 

Batman and Robin chatting to each other 

Peace blissed out over his favorite toy 

Shujah crawling 

Peace playing peekaboo

I can't wait to write a post like this when little Ebenezer has come this far. We're so proud of you both, little guys!