Thursday, October 20, 2011

Never doubt, and Project Skydive!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

I am completely in awe of the amazing readers from Girls Gone Child and the supporters of Project Skydive, who have come to our aid in the last few days. Not only have we raised the full amount to get Stevie, Ericki and Dainess into school, on top of that we raised enough to hire another staff person for a full year! That means more one-on-one attention for every child, fewer developmental delays, a great job for a woman in the local community, and a big relief for the incredible women who already work there.

We've changed the lives of these children and a corner of the world here, and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - and a huge thanks to Rebecca Woolf, spreading her mama-love all the way across the world!

Project Skydive
"We are taking the plunge for the orphanage kids - we're proud and very, very scared to announce the launch of our latest project, PROJECT SKYDIVE!"

On December 4th, four INCREDIBLE former volunteers (including Emily and Bethan) are literally throwing themselves out of a plane in a bid to help the kids! The funds that people already pledged to their project were a huge part of our Project Education success. Now that we've completed the funding for this year's schooling, any money raised from here on in will go towards next year's group of schoolkids (Pendo, Abdulli, David, and Andrea), as well as towards hiring staff, two extremely important goals! We're making a commitment to employ these women and want to have at least two years' salary saved before hiring to be absolutely sure we can fulfill that commitment.

If you can't imagine what it's like to have two people juggle feeding, clothing, washing, and loving 30 children at once, with the added bonuses of frequent power outages, take a look at Emily's adorable video below of multitasking during one of the (daily) blackouts while feeding Frankie and comforting Miriam, Maureen and Baracka. The mamas do this and more every single day, which is why it's so important to us to support them in every way possible. Please help us by contributing to Project Skydive!

I'm utterly humbled by all of your outpourings of support and love for our kids. We can't bring back their mothers, but we can make sure they grow up in an environment where they know they are deeply loved and given opportunities to become their best selves. Thank you for being part of it!

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