Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On the road

I am writing this update from the Dar Express, about three hours into an eight hour trip to Dar es Salaam, followed by a three hour ferry to Zanzibar,all done low as low budget as possible, which is to say uncomfortably. My Kindle is yet again saving my life, with both books and internet access while riding across the savannah , a very surreal experience, I can assure you. I just wantedtend my thanks to the fabulous and inimitable Jenny of, read at your own risk if you happen to be consuming beverages or in public and want to avoid audible snorting, for tweeting out a link to the site. Further thanks to those of you who donated through it, I am up another 300 dollars or enough to supply the orphanage with food for several months. If anyone else has venues, virtual or real, through which to spread the word, I would be endlessly grateful. Things are chugging along over here, I am taking a brief but much needed vacation and leaving my amazing student Rehema in charge of jewelry class until I get back, more about her and her situation presently.Now back to the strangely hypnotic video on the bus tv, which has been going for three hours with no signs of slowing, of some religious African choir performing frankly unlikely choreography in various locations. Only five more hours to go!


  1. Beautiful children, beautiful stories. We have close friends who adopted both their children from an orphanage in Ethiopia, but until I saw your blog I had very little idea of what it was really like.

    Thank you so much for bringing into our awareness these vulnerable little people.

  2. Dear Bekka,
    I have just sent in a donation in to the account (which will show up as from Maria because she has helped me!) for your birthday and Hannukah present, and also presents for your parents.
    Hope you are having a wonderful time , and that all is going as planned. Sorry we shant see you at Christmas time, but I' sure you will be celebrating something or other!. I will send a proper e-mail soon, meantime loads of love and good wishes Grandma H.
