Friday, January 14, 2011

The bad news is, nobody knows. Still.

Just a quick note to let you all know that the mystery of my fevers remains unsolved, and looks like it will remain that way - according to the specialist, about 25% of fevers here come from these three diseases - leptospirosis, Q fever, and rickettsia - that have no other specific symptoms besides the darn fever, and are undetectable unless you compare before/after titers, obviously not an option here. So IF that's what I have, it should respond to the new meds - although it should also have responded to the old meds - and even if it doesn't, they generally go away on their own after 1-4 weeks. Sigh. But the good news is I'm cleared to work with the kids again, so hooray for that!

Now, the doctor didn't understand why I couldn't pinpoint the exact start of my sickness or why I'm constantly cycling through illnesses. I provide the pictures below as a visual aid. Pretty much anything is possible when you work with these kids.

And no, it is in no way coincidental that Pray is in more of these photos than anyone else. These pictures don't even do his dirt justice. You can FEEL it from across the room - and feel it even better when he launches himself and clings, monkey-like, with both arms and legs, to you for dear life to express his affection. And even without a washing machine, it's totally worth it.

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