Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spiderbaby, spiderbaby, does whatever a spiderbaby does...

From a wiggle-worm to a spiderbaby in five short months

Also - darn kids got bubble gum all over their hair, ears, and forehead, and peanut butter failed to alleviate the problem. I don't know whether it's the Tanzanian bubble gum or the natural peanut butter, but Stevie and Ericki will be walking around with pink heads and ears for a few more days. I'd be lying if I said I don't think it's hysterical, but Stevie is not. happy.

Remorseful and pissed

Not even a little bit sorry. Kind of likes the peanut butter process.
 Other than that, things are pretty calm, albeit in a things-are-always-insane-so-slightly-less-insane-seems-downright-peaceful kind of way. I'm taking a mental health break and going on a super low budget trip back to Zanzibar for a week, which is leaving me deeply conflicted - I really want to spend all of my last five weeks with the kids, but I also recognize that being there every day and then leaving suddenly is probably the most traumatic possible method. I'm hoping that the week away will give the kids a chance to disconnect a tiny bit, and, I might as well be honest, reassure me that yes, they will survive without me. I'm pathetic. But I'm going to miss them so stinking much.
How could you not?

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