Sunday, May 27, 2012


Just one of many outlets and
switches moved out of the
reach of little fingers
We've come an amazing way in the last few months. Between Kristina's event for Light Up the Night and your generous donations, we're now at almost $7,500 of $9,500 total needed to finish the project by installing solar lighting in the orphanage and hospital maternity wards, an effort that WILL save lives. Check out the difference this project has already made - the orphanage rewiring is now FINISHED. No more electrical outlets in the reach of little fingers, no more dead lights in the baby room from the fire years ago, no more random holes in the wall with wires sticking out - hooray!

We still have a few more hurdles before the finish line, but we are getting closer every day. We also have received news that our gorgeous boy Andrea may be getting sponsored for school next year... keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime, please consider donating to Light Up the Night or towards Pendo, Andrea, Abdulli and David's school costs, or taking one of them on for long-term sponsorship (a quarter sponsorship is just $19 per month and can change their lives).

Mama Cantate describing the fire that sparked Project Light Up the Night

Can you imagine cooking for 30 kids
on this??
We've also got some great projects coming up this summer, including a pilot business micro-grants and training program for families either already caring for orphaned children or single parents in danger of having to surrender a child to the orphanage system. We also will be hiring a new mama and replanting the garden for the coming year. We ALSO just had a few large unforeseen expenses - replacing the completely dead orphanage dryer that is often the only thing that keeps our kids' beautiful butts clothed (especially in the rainy season!) as well as repairing the stove, which had disintegrated almost completely - to the point that the mamas often cooked on a fire outside instead. We're also replenishing our stock of chewable vitamins, liquid vitamins, and formula to keep the kids adequately nourished. On top of all of that, we've got some great volunteers coming over the summer, including medical students and a Swahili major who will be working with us to create cross-cultural children's books that we hope to distribute to other local orphanages as well.

And as a reminder of why we do this all, take a look at the beautiful face of my happy, healthy little girl Zi, who just a year and a half ago was riddled with worms and couldn't even crawl because she was so weak. Better medical care, better food, access to formula and vitamins, better support for the mamas so they have more attention for the children, better volunteer support, better infrastructure - happier, healthier kids. Just 18 days till I have the privilege of being with them again! 

1 comment:

  1. It's good to know the donations are on their way to saving lives. With the accumulated sum of money so far, we'll be able to do so much for charity. A shoutout to all those who have generously opened their hearts to the needy.
