Monday, February 7, 2011

Bits and pieces

Today is a much needed organization and consolidation day, so most of what you will notice is changes to the format and a complete redo of the renamed help page, plus the addition of a new photo gallery page so that you don't have to stare at them every time I get a shot I'm particularly proud of. The biggest change is a new project - yes, already - since the water project is within an electrical hookup and a water quality test of being finished (YAY!). I'll copy what I wrote already, since, as we have already established, sometimes I am lazy.

I am hoping to raise money to hire a staff manager and hospital liason, to reduce the already incredibly intense workload on Mama Pendo and to have someone whose entire focus is making sure policies are followed (i.e. mosquito nets are used daily and in good repair, vitamins are administered and sick children are given their medicine in a timely manner, each child eats from an individual bowl and spoon to avoid illness). They would compile this information into weekly reports to quantify progress on these goals. They would additionally serve as a liason with the hospital and make sure the hospital is fully aware of the needs and problems of the orphanage. Through conversations with the hospital administration, it appears that it would be possible to find and hire an appropriate candidate with a degree in social welfare or similar for about $3000 USD per year.

This is probably going to be a long term project, and I'm currently looking into the implications and procedures for putting together a nonprofit for the purpose when I get back to the US. Of course, if by some miracle LSE decides to accept me, that would put a slight crimp in those plans. So part of the problems involves the (always interminable) acceptance decision wait.

Keeping it short and sweet today. Looking forward to that water!

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