Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mysterious African Fever and underwear-based head adornment

First and foremost, ladies and gentlemen, WE HAVE WATER. We are waiting for the results of the quality testing to see if it needs to be boiled before drinking, but even if I drop dead of mysterious African fever this minute, it's ok because the kids will have water and chickens. Chicken water. That is my legacy. My parents must be so proud?

On a related note, I think I'm less likely to drop dead of mysterious African fever than I was before since I seem like I might be recovering (shhh, don't tell my body because whenever I say this it retaliates with swift and mighty vengeance) - of the last four days I've had two very low grade fevers that only lasted for a few hours, and other than that I seem to be reasonably functional. I mean, for me, that is.

Also in the wake of the Great Tree Fiasco of 2011, the hospital has gone a little crazy with cutting down trees that MIGHT conceivably be dangerous. Of course, they do this with teenagers with chainsaws and ropes cutting down 300 foot high ancient trees mere feet from my house. So yesterday was interestingly punctuated with assorted crashes, booms, and bangs as the young gentleman pictured below dismantled one of the largest trees I've ever encountered. While multitasking!

Why yes, he IS texting while dismantling a tree mere meters from my bedroom.

 For those of you who worry about your kids texting and driving... Welcome to Africa.

However, to prove that wherever you go kids are fundamentally the same, I'm going to share another delicious tidbit from yesterday, which fully, fully made up for any unpleasant crashing sounds or, I don't know, four full days with no water, little power, and no showers.
That'll do, pig, that'll do.

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