Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh dear god

Packages arrived today - I'm thrilled and also, not gonna lie, absolutely terrified. An amazing amount of stuff came through, and I may end up paying an insane amount of money to get it all to Tanzania! Definitely concerned. As it stands, I have one bag EXACTLY at 70 pounds, which is the overweight bag limit, another bag EXACTLY at 50 pounds, which is the basic baggage limit, and my carry on at 25 pounds, which is the carry on limit! The only concern is that I had to stick some weird looking tools in my carry on, which are not actually dangerous nor could they be used to inflict harm - a dapping block, some dapping punches, and a disc cutter - none of which are as violent as I now realize they sound. However, I will almost certainly have to explain them to security, and I'm not really looking forward to that. And the Contenti package hasn't even arrived yet, so I'm hoping it's lightweight things. Really, this is an embarrassment of riches, and I could not be more thrilled to be able to bring it over, I hope this doesn't sound like complaining - I'm just a little concerned, is all! Wish me luck and lenient airline staff!

Updated: Aaaand it's like Contenti read my mind - they sent over a lightweight wooden dapping block and punches, as well as a much smaller and lighter disc cutter, along with various other fabulous tools. I know I'm gushing, but seriously, this all worked out far, far better than I could ever have hoped for. Thank you, thank you to everyone who has helped, especially the wonderful owners of Contenti and Janet Haldeman at Rio. Also, my amazing family friend/artistic fairy godmother Ruth has agreed to take the items that either didn't fit or were too technically advanced for the facilities I'll have, and pass them along to other worthy causes in the area. Paying it forward!

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